Madinah Landmarks

Al-Sheikhain Mosque

An Overview:

Al-Sheikhain Mosque is an antique mosque in which the five daily prayers are held after its renovation in 2018 without demolishing its walls. The old features of the mosque were preserved, and new pillars, shelves and lamps were added.

Its Story:

The site known as al-Sheikhain is an important place in the Battle of Uhud because:

  • It is the place where the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) inspected his army on his way to Uhud.
  • He excluded the youngsters who were not fit to fight in the battle.
  • He led his companions in the asr, maghreb and isha prayers in this place.
  • He took off his armor and then put it on in preparation for the battle; so, it was also called Dira' (Shield) Mosque.
  • He spent that night on this site and then proceeded to Uhud in the morning.
  • Getting to the Mosque:

    The mosque is about 2.5 km to the northwest of the Prophet’s Mosque. It is located in a place called al-Sheikhain on the road to the Sayyid Al-Shuhada neighborhood.

    Visiting Hours:

    The five daily prayers are held in the mosque. As a significant historical landmark, it is a destination for the visitors of Madinah. The mosque is open for visits and prayer during the prayer times.