Madinah Landmarks

Jamma Al-Aqir Mount

An Overview:

There are three mountains in Madinah called Jammawat, one of which is Jamma Al-Aqir. It is one of the famous mountains in Madinah due to its proximity to the road trodden by the polytheist armies that targeted Madinah, and due to the fact that it contains many historical monuments.

Its Story:

Madinah is famous for three mountains known as Jammawat, two of which— namely, Jamma Tadharu’ and Jamma Um Khaled— are connected. The last one, Jamma A-Aqir, stands alone. Jama Al-Aqir and the other two Jamawat are separated by a spacious land. It is the land through which Quraysh armies passed to fight the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) in the Battles of Uhud and Al-Ahzab.

Its Description:

Jamma Al-Aqir Mount is mostly formed of red and black stones. Its summit is flat, without sharp peaks, and the mountain can be easily climbed.

Its Location:

Jamma Al-Aqir Mount is located in the west of Madinah, about 8 km away from the Prophet’s Mosque. It can be reached through the As-Salam Sub-Road, or through Imam Muslim Road.